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Coaches Need Coaches Too
John Raneri, athlete and coach for McKirdy Trained, qualified for his second Olympic Trials at the Columbus Half Marathon. The 26-year-old from New Fairfield, CT finished 2nd overall in a new PR of 1:03:49. [Full [...]
The Benefits Of Track Workouts
By Amanda Rego When people hear that I race the 1500m they automatically label me as a "track runner." Little do they know, 90% of my training is done on roads or trails. Yet, ask [...]
Low And Slow
By Mike Sweeney Seeking a BQ means running faster farther. It means balancing work, family, life and running. It means digging deep on race day and accomplishing something many never dare to dream of. For [...]
Luck Favors The Prepared
By Jordan Colby Jeni Henrie 3:34, Robin St. Clare 2nd in the 65-69 yrs age group, Greer Colby 3:17 (PR at the time) Luck favors the prepared. That could certainly be said regarding [...]
How To Manage The Off-Season Between XC And Spring Track
We received a great question regarding how to best manage training/racing between cross country and outdoor track season. Coach Clegg: As a high school cross country coach, I would love to get some ideas how how [...]
Dr. Jack Daniels On Stride Rate
By Dr. Jack Daniels 180 Steps Per Minute When I am teaching a new group of runners the first thing I have them do is count their stride frequencies while running around the track. I can’t remember ever having one of these beginners who turned over as fast as 180 steps per minute. However, when […]