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“Serves As An Excellent Motivator For My Athletes”
Featured Coach: Keith Pierce McKinney Boyd High School, Head Cross Country (boys and girls), Head Girls Track & Field16 years Coaching Texas Public High Schools1 Texas State Championship as Assistant Coach (2003 Krum High School)1 [...]
Ben Kassel Goes From 300 lbs To 2:38 In The Marathon
If you asked Ben Kassel just 6-months ago if he could run a 2:38 marathon he would have said you were crazy. He only started running a few years ago with the intention of losing weight. He weighed 300 lbs and didn’t enjoy running until he did his first race. “Most of the reason I […]
Don’t Wait For The Stars To Align
VDOT Coach Andrew Marshall set a new PR at Grandma's Marathon. His 2:54:45 was a 2-min PR surpassing his previous best set two years ago. His even pacing helped him get under his sub-2:55 goal. [...]
My Marathon Experience, Part II (Pacing)
By Matt McClintock View Part I (The Taper and One Final Workout) here. PacingProper pacing is the single most important factor in running a successful marathon. Runners at all levels, from the everyday and sub-elite [...]
My Marathon Experience, Part I
By Matt McClintock In December 2018, I ran my first marathon at the California International Marathon which served as the United States Championship for 2018. While walking away with an Olympic Trials Qualifier in 2:18:03 [...]
Dr. Jack Daniels On Going To Altitude To Race A Marathon
Question: How would a sea level runner approach the Colorado Marathon, which starts at 6100 feet and finishes at 4980 feet. Here’s the course profile.