V.O2 App & Community Updates
Episode 25 With Andrew Bumbalough, Part 1
Andrew Bumbalough, aka ‘Bumbi’, as he is affectionately referred to by friends and teammates, grew up in Nashville, Tennessee aspiring to be a soccer player. When he discovered his real talent was his ability to [...]
Episode 24 With Becki Spellman
Becki Spellman is the founder of Spellman Coaching. She's been a competitive athlete for over 25 years and coaching for 14. She is a 4-time Olympic Trials Qualifier in the Marathon (2008, 2012, 2016, 2020) [...]
Episode 23 With Joost De Raeymaeker
Joost De Raeymaeker, a native Belgian, currently resides in Luanda, Angola, and is arguably the best marathoner in the world in M50. He’s on a mission to win his age group in all of the [...]
Customize Your Sports Nutrition
VDOT Challenge 19 (December 11-13), sponsored by PWURE. We're excited to feature a new brand that appreciates quality ingredients and the principle of individualization when it comes to supporting your health and training. To take [...]
Episode 22 With Dan Green
Dan Green is one of the most successful running coaches in the nation. He is the former head coach of The Woodlands High School where he was responsible for 16 Texas State Championships in cross [...]
Everything You Need To Know About Hiring A Running Coach
Jack shared his tips on how to hire a coach and what to expect. You can read the entire article on runnersathletics.com. There are five main reasons that runners decide to hire coaches. They want [...]