V.O2 App & Community Updates
Athlete Spotlight: Katy Miller
Katy Miller lives and trains in Lititz, PA. She recently ran the Shamrock Marathon because she read it was a flat, fun race providing her a good chance of setting a PR. How was your [...]
Structured Strength Mode
As part of our new cross training enhancements, take advantage of Structured Strength Mode on V.O2. Athletes and coaches now have the ability to add their own strength exercises and schedule sets, reps, recoveries, etc. [...]
Conversation Pace: Leah Rosenfeld
Leah Rosenfeld is an athlete and coach based out of Flagstaff, AZ. She's a former DI college coach and now coaches online on V.O2, in-person at Team Run Flagstaff and through iFIT on NordicTrack. A [...]
Jack Daniels On Race Strategy For 800m And 1500m/Mile
By Dr. Jack Daniels 800m Race Strategy A great way is to run the first 200m conservatively, followed by running an almost all-out 400m (from the 200m to the 600m) and then finish with what [...]
Jack Daniels On How To Manage The Boston Marathon Course
By Dr. Jack Daniels Main thing to concentrate on in those early miles is good leg turnover and don't let the easy downhill running lead to stride lengthening, which will result in the quads taking [...]
Athlete Spotlight: Laine Higgins
Laine Higgins lives on the Lower East Side of Manhattan and trains throughout New York City. Due to the pandemic and injuries she was unable to race in NYC since 2019 so she chose the [...]