V.O2 App & Community Updates
Checking In With Jack
We launched a podcast, VDOT O2 at Conversation Pace. Naturally, we led off with Dr. Jack Daniels. How could our first guest be anyone else? Jack is a partner in VDOT O2, an inventor and [...]
A New Way To Race
Times have changed but our competitive fire and desire to self-improve remains. Coming soon we'll introduce a new way to race your community. With VDOT we're all in the same race regardless of distance. To [...]
I’m Focused On Gratitude And Mindfulness
VDOT Coach John Raneri of group McKirdy Trained on grappling with the cancellation of the Boston Marathon and living through a pandemic... After hearing about Boston’s postponement I wasn’t surprised. But like many others in [...]
Staying Focused In Our New Reality
VDOT Coach Leah Rosenfeld shares some useful feedback on staying focused in the age of social distancing. With so much changing everyday it can be difficult to stay motivated, but I’ve found that routine, community, [...]
“You’ve Gone And Done It Again!”
Charles Whobrey finished 121st out of over one thousand in the M50 age group… I just wanted to write and say “you’ve gone and done it again!” I spent most of the LA Marathon cursing you guys thinking: “no way can I keep this up for 26.2” but I sucked it up and toughed it […]
Customizing Your Notifications Experience
You can now customize your notification preferences. Instructions (Web): Click the notification bell icon (top right) Click the settings dial/icon (highlighted above) Select when and how you'd like to be notified (push, email or feed [...]