James McKirdy is the founder of McKirdy Trained, an online coaching service working with runners of all ages, all abilities, all over the world. In 2016, McKirdy Trained started managing athletes on VDOT O2. They had eight athletes in the Boston Marathon and zero at the Olympic Trials. Just five years later they’ve had hundreds qualify for Boston and 25 coaches/athletes qualify for the 2020 Olympic Trials in the marathon (20 participated).⠀
In this episode we discuss:
-Moving and transitioning to life in Flagstaff from the East Coast
-Starting McKirdy Trained and how it’s grown so quickly
-What “Under our Care” means to him and where it comes from
-The Olympic Trials women’s B standard
-His coaching staff, which has now grown to over two dozen coaches, and how he matches athletes
-The launch of their Micro Marathons
Listen to other episodes of Conversation Pace and follow the show on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Song: Breakadawn, by Mike Quinn
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