Luck Of The Draw, an autobiography by Jack Daniels, is now available online. Jack’s family, his accomplishments, his profound impact and his humility, laid bare in the preface of his book, are the story of an American icon.
“You might find the title of this somewhat off. However, I think you will find as you read this autobiography that many aspects of my life and experiences must be characterized with some luck – luck of timing, circumstances, and situation. Many people who have read my books on running or who have attended clinics and camps where I have spoken often ask how I got into coaching as a profession. As you will see, the answer to this question is a rather lengthy and complicated tale. It is my hope that this book will answer most of these inquiries.”
In this episode we start from the very beginning; his earliest memories. We then build through his childhood, college life to entering the Army and then competing at the Olympics.
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Song: Breakadawn, by Mike Quinn
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