Featured Coach – Gregg Mrkvicka
Coaching Bio
- Head XC Coach at Bishop Leblond High School in St. Joseph, MO
- Assistant Track & Field Coach
- High School coach for 8 years and adult runners for 2 years
- Coaches 15 runners and 3-5 adult runners at any given time
Why He Loves VDOT
VDOT O2 saves me hours every week by automatically adjusting VDOT and training paces after every race or time trial. Three years ago we started using the Dr. Jack Daniels’ methodology and VDOT to plan training for our cross country team and we saw immediate results. That very season we won our first Cross Country District Championship in 27 years. We continued, having now won three District Championships in a row, 1 Conference Championship, a 7th place finish at State and a new school record.
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