ESPN XC Classic 4A Champs ESPN XC Classic 4A Champs
Over the past several years the XC programs at Holly Spring HS have made great strides. When Coach Henry and Myers took over coaching duties in 2012, the programs had been struggling to compete in one of the strongest 4A regions in the state of North Carolina. Turning a program around takes time to get athletes to commit to the training process, show progress and increase participation. What they’ve accomplished since taking the reigns is a remarkable turnaround.
The past 2 years our boys and girls have finished the year in the top 20 in the state and won multiple invitational championships. We have 5 runners that have been offered DI scholarships. Our program has gone from 30 runners to over 100 runners at its highest.
One of the biggest challenges early on was to keep runners healthy while increasing their mileage. This didn’t go well at first as many saw the program as a resume builder. Plus, some weren’t convinced of the idea that you have to run slower to get faster. The VDOT O2 program allowed us to build a great base over the summer and also work on form training. The app was really great in how it saved us time (with so many runners) to get the information to our runners and data back to track their progress. The kids would come to practice knowing what to expect and what their paces were for the day. By far the app has been one of our greatest tools! – Coach Myers
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