In any proper training plan Easy pace will make up a large majority of your running and most tend to run too fast on Easy days. What’s incredible about this training type are the huge physiological benefits that occur as a function of time spent running, not speed. Running faster on Easy days might hurt you more than it helps.
Easy pace running refers to warm-ups, cool-downs, recovery runs, recovery running within a workout and generally long runs.
Generally in the range of 59-74% of VO2max or 65-79% of your HRMax. In general, Easy running is running at a comfortable, conversational pace, which certainly may vary daily, depending on how you are feeling. You may be up to 20-seconds slower or faster than the specified pace on a given day.
Running at your Easy pace promotes physiological benefits that build a solid base from which higher-intensity training can be performed. The heart muscle is strengthened, muscles receive increased blood supplies and increase their ability to process oxygen delivered through the cardiovascular system.
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