Mary Denholm is an athlete and coach based out of Santa Barbara, CA. She scored one of the highest VDOT performances for a female athlete on V.O2 in 2021 with her 5:03 mile (58.7 VDOT).
What does a typical training week look like for you?
Depends! I was doing a ton of aerobic high mileage and mixing trails and roads in 2021 as I was training for an ultra. I did several 100+ mile weeks and larger vert weeks (10K etc.) while living in Flagstaff. I did R2R2R in May 2021. When I moved to Santa Barbara I started doing more road workouts again but continued mixing roads and trails as I trained through the summer and fall. 2022 I am returning to the road marathon and racing shorter distances along the way. I won’t be doing as much volume as I focus on more intensity during the next training block.
What was your most memorable workout of 2021?

It was a double long run peak weekend (40 miles total over 2 days in prep for a 50 mile race). I did 22 miles total. 5 mile WU, then a 12 mile tempo: 3 x (3 miles @ road 50K, 1 mile @ road 50 mile), 5 mile CD. I had done an 18 mile long run the day before at 6:46 average.
Did the V.O2 app provide benefit to your training and racing?
Yes. I love the workout feature that syncs automatically to my Garmin watch. I can focus my workout days on simply the effort and I know what the beep sounds mean (too fast/too slow) so I don’t have to look down at my watch multiple times during a workout. It’s helped me have much more consistent workouts and not miss a rep due to miscounting while working hard or having to memorize a workout in advance.
Who is your coach?
Nick Klastava @nklastava on Instagram
What is your handle on Instagram?
What’s next for you?
Boston Marathon 2022! Some other shorter distance races along the way too but that’s my goal race for the spring of 2022.
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