A Collaborative Effort

By |2018-12-07T12:45:15-05:00December 7th, 2018|Athlete Profiles|

It's no surprise Karen Dunn has set three PRs all within the past few months. The masters runner from Collegeville, PA is "extremely dedicated in her training and always brings it 100% on race day," says her coach Tim Jones. Karen and Tim are actually both VDOT Certified so Tim says "working with her is [...]

Coaches Need Coaches Too

By |2018-11-28T16:22:37-05:00November 28th, 2018|Athlete Profiles, Coach Profiles|

John Raneri, athlete and coach for McKirdy Trained, qualified for his second Olympic Trials at the Columbus Half Marathon. The 26-year-old from New Fairfield, CT finished 2nd overall in a new PR of 1:03:49. [Full Results] Afterwards, John reflected on his race and gave thanks to his coach: As James and I discussed, we decided [...]

The Benefits Of Track Workouts

By |2018-11-28T11:47:34-05:00November 27th, 2018|Training Talk|

By Amanda Rego When people hear that I race the 1500m they automatically label me as a "track runner." Little do they know, 90% of my training is done on roads or trails. Yet, ask most marathoners how many track workouts they’ve done and most would answer "zero." Why is it that track athletes can [...]

Low And Slow

By |2018-11-28T20:02:24-05:00November 20th, 2018|Training Talk|

By Mike Sweeney Seeking a BQ means running faster farther. It means balancing work, family, life and running. It means digging deep on race day and accomplishing something many never dare to dream of. For years, I believed speed came from speedwork. Sure, total volume mattered, but it was the speed that helped you get [...]

Luck Favors The Prepared

By |2018-11-12T15:40:46-05:00November 12th, 2018|Training Talk, VDOT Marketplace|

By Jordan Colby Jeni Henrie 3:34, Robin St. Clare 2nd in the 65-69 yrs age group, Greer Colby 3:17 (PR at the time) Luck favors the prepared. That could certainly be said regarding the Boston Marathon. At this year’s Boston  Marathon, temperatures hovered in the upper 30’s, while a cold rain fell and [...]

How To Manage The Off-Season Between XC And Spring Track

By |2021-12-07T11:22:00-05:00November 12th, 2018|Training Talk|

We received a great question regarding how to best manage training/racing between cross country and outdoor track season. Coach Clegg:  As a high school cross country coach, I would love to get some ideas how how to best bridge the gap between fall XC and spring track.  My state (IL) has a number of off season [...]

Dr. Jack Daniels On Stride Rate

By |2023-12-27T21:52:39-05:00November 8th, 2018|Biomechanics, Training tips|

By Dr. Jack Daniels 180 Steps Per Minute When I am teaching a new group of runners the first thing I have them do is count their stride frequencies while running around the track. I can’t remember ever having one of these beginners who turned over as fast as 180 steps per minute. However, when […]

New Features: Workout Commenting And Print Calendar

By |2018-11-07T13:57:27-05:00November 7th, 2018|VDOT Coach Enhancements|

Today we uploaded two new features to enhance the experience on the app for both athlete and coach users. Workout Commenting The app now supports workout commenting on Android, iOS and the Web. Coaches can still leave workout instructions/notes when planning training but to help make communication on a workouts more seamless we've added in [...]

Four Critical Elements Of Boston Marathon Training

By |2018-11-05T16:13:24-05:00November 5th, 2018|Training Talk|

By Tim Jones If you’ve qualified for Boston, congratulations! As an experienced runner, it’s harder now to get better than it was when you first started running. You need to optimize every element of your training to continue to improve. When planning your Boston 2019 Training Cycle, think of these four critical elements: Training Plan. [...]

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