What’s Your Interval Pace?

By |2024-01-20T17:17:42-05:00December 12th, 2017|Training Talk|

The idea behind Interval training is to accumulate a good amount of time working at your VO2max. Keep in mind that running at VO2max is also associated with running at maximum heart rate. Now, suppose maximum HR is associated with a pace of 5:00 per mile; what HR will be associated with 4:50 per mile? Maximum, [...]

What’s Your Threshold Pace?

By |2024-01-20T15:44:23-05:00December 5th, 2017|Training Talk|

Threshold pace training is great for improving a runner's endurance, or the ability to endure a greater and greater intensity of effort for a longer period of time. The key is training at the right intensity as speed might change due to various conditions (wind, hills, temperature, etc.). If a runner understands what training right [...]

What’s Your Easy Pace?

By |2017-11-28T10:24:46-05:00November 27th, 2017|Training Talk|

  In any proper training plan Easy pace will make up a large majority of your running and most tend to run too fast on Easy days. What's incredible about this training type are the huge physiological benefits that occur as a function of time spent running, not speed. Running faster on Easy days might [...]

What Is VDOT?

By |2017-11-27T21:39:29-05:00November 27th, 2017|Training Talk|

VDOT is a measure of your current running ability. When you know your VDOT value you can eliminate a great deal of guesswork when training and racing. Your VDOT takes into account your psychological input into racing, because instead of using lab tests to determine your ability level, we're using your race performances, which are [...]

Dr. Jack Daniels On Interpreting Ferritin Levels For Runners

By |2024-01-23T15:48:05-05:00May 20th, 2015|Coaching Clinic, Nutrition tips, Training Talk|

Dr. Jack Daniels enlightens attendees at the first VDOT Coaching Clinic on interpreting iron storage and ferritin levels for runners. “You can’t take a specific ferritin reading and say whether it’s good or bad.” “I know people that say if your ferritin is below 50 you’re in trouble as a runner…and that’s not true at […]

Jack Daniels On Integrating Hill Training Into Your Marathon Plan

By |2024-01-20T15:31:00-05:00March 29th, 2011|Ask Dr. Jack Daniels, Training Talk, Training tips|

Question: I would like to know your recommendation for integrating hill training into a marathon plan. Dr. Jack Daniels: I like to think of hill training as another form of resistance training, and certainly resistance training can benefit a runner.  Resistance training could be hill running, or squats in the gym or circuit training, bounding, […]

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