Treadmill Running, Part II – Training Types

By |2024-01-24T13:53:14-05:00March 15th, 2017|Training tips|

By Dr. Jack Daniels There are really only two types of training a person can do: steady running and intermittent running. By steady running I mean a non-stop run at a consistent intensity. The intensity may be very easy, as at the beginning of a warm-up, during cool-downs or during recovery runs; or it may […]

Setbacks To Success

By |2017-03-13T14:20:43-04:00March 13th, 2017|Ask Dr. Jack Daniels, Training tips|

By Dr. Jack Daniels We hear a lot about “overtraining,” whatever that is. Some people call it “staleness,” others just say you are in a state of “athletic depression,” or, that you are “over-worked.” Researchers all over the country; no, all over the world, are trying to figure out how to identify overtraining and how […]

Treadmill Running, Part I – How Boring

By |2024-01-24T13:47:42-05:00March 8th, 2017|Training tips|

By Dr. Jack Daniels Most of us like to think that one of the advantages runners have over other athletes, or, more simply stated, running has over many other types of aerobic exercise, is the simplicity and freedom of the sport. You really can run just about anywhere, and for free. I remember coaching a sailor during […]

Dr. Jack Daniels: Utilizing The Treadmill To Help Prepare For Boston

By |2016-11-30T12:35:44-05:00November 30th, 2016|Ask Dr. Jack Daniels, Training tips|

[Editor’s Note:  The key to training effectively for the Boston Marathon is how well you strategically incorporate undulating terrain in your workouts. But what if you don’t have easy access to undulating terrain? We asked the master on how a runner can utilize the treadmill to help prepare for the course at Boston.] By Dr. Jack Daniels […]

What Pace Or Effort Should I Run Hill Repeats?

By |2024-01-24T13:20:22-05:00August 17th, 2016|Ask A Coach Responses, Training tips|

We hear this question a lot from athletes since we have a clear purpose/intensity behind our main training types (Easy, Threshold, Marathon, Interval, Repetition, Fast Reps) but not for hill repeats. We see hill training as Repetition work but with added resistance. Just like Reps, hill repeats help improve speed and economy. In general, you […]

Science on the Run: Bad Posture = Bad Runner

By |2015-08-17T13:27:24-04:00August 17th, 2015|Biomechanics|

Linking current research to running By Nikki Reiter As a fidgety-runner-type-who-hates-sitting-at-her-desk and worries about maintaining good posture, I’ve been incorporating stretching a few times a day, in addition to multiple walks to fill up my cup at the water station and my mid-day run (with all these breaks, you probably wonder how I ever get […]

Part 2, Race Kick: Strength Or Speed?

By |2024-01-23T16:53:39-05:00July 13th, 2015|Training tips|

By Malindi Elmore [Part 1 of “It’s All About The Kick” can be found here.] Many track runners think they must possess raw speed to win with a kick. This is simply not true. Kicking is often a relative term, and can almost be explained better as who slows down the least. The faster the […]

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